
You've Just Been Facebook'd!

Think of getting "Facebook'd" as getting Rick Roll'd on Youtube by a "friend" but really giving your computer an unpleasant surprise and you a major headache through Facebook. I'll let the man in the video explain it to you...

In case in you didn't want to hear the CNN reporter drone on about this, basically you can get a worm on Facebook. How you ask? Essentially, you get a message from one of your Facebook friends to check out a cool (read: very lame) video on Youtube. On YouTube, you're prompted to download a Flash plugin update. Download the plugin and you've just been Facebook'd with the Koobface Worm which is malware on your computer.

Thanks to the Koobface worm (which is book spelled backwards plus "face," how cute), life on Facebook is a bit more complicated; as if we already have enough problems with this social networking tool such as vague and ambiguous Terms of use, "Social ads," annoying photos and note memes and petty Facebook drama. This is a bit overwhelming. My experience on Facebook is not as pleasant as it used to be. It's too late to go back to the days where nuisances such as hacking your account and make unauthorized posts happened on MySpace or better yet when Facebook was available to only users with a college e-mail address.

It was a simpler time, I wish we can return to that. Too bad technology will never allow for that to happen.

---Faiza Mokhtar


Anonymous said...

I heard about this bug; it is so frustrating that Facebok changed it's rules. The reason I got a Facebook was because it was supposedly much safer that MySpace, and protected against viruses. Now that it is open to everyone and not just students, there are viruses not only in videos like this one, but also random links that will cause your account to spam your friend's walls. Its ridiculous. Hopefully the next networking sight will learn the lesson that Facebook didn't learn, and will keep it as students only. Then maybe they wont have the stigma of being broadcast on national television because of its flaws.

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